【External Activity】Artificial Intelligence Trainer (Intermediate) Certification Course (Deadline: 14 March) Gallery 【External Activity】Artificial Intelligence Trainer (Intermediate) Certification Course (Deadline: 14 March)
【Career Assessment Workshop】Discovering Your Occupational Interests (Application Deadline: 5 March) Gallery 【Career Assessment Workshop】Discovering Your Occupational Interests (Application Deadline: 5 March)
Employment Opportunity: Guangzhou Nansha Recruitment Talk for Postgraduate Students (6 Mar; 14:30; E4-G051) Gallery Employment Opportunity: Guangzhou Nansha Recruitment Talk for Postgraduate Students (6 Mar; 14:30; E4-G051)
【Advising Service of Career Development Centre】Connect with alumni for career and further study advice through “Alumni Online” ! Gallery 【Advising Service of Career Development Centre】Connect with alumni for career and further study advice through “Alumni Online” !
【Advising Service】Career Advising Associates are prepared to listen to your needs and discuss further study and career plans with you Gallery 【Advising Service】Career Advising Associates are prepared to listen to your needs and discuss further study and career plans with you
[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (10): Preparation for your Interview Gallery [Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (10): Preparation for your Interview